Sunday, August 17, 2008

M1 Start!

I definitely meant to post before now, but...just never really got around to it. Orientation took place all last week. Pretty boring, but it was nice to get to meet other people in my class. One thing I noticed that is definitely a downside yet a plus of being in GPPA is that we tend to neglect the need to branch out. Day 1 and 2, pretty much hung around with people that I already knew - Jon, Amit, Ruchi...being comfortable with people diminishes the urgent need to meet new people. But after making an effort, it was nice to meet other members of the class from all over the place and all ages.

As expected, it turned out to be mostly Asian people. The first two days I actually talked to someone I've known since 4th grade quite a bit, but I think perhaps he felt a little out of place being the only Caucasian and then after those two days I really haven't said much besides hi. Eh. Had a discussion with a couple other people while on the boat cruise about this. Even after only four days of meeting one another, it seemed like our class had already pretty much divided itself up based on ethnicity. You could see the Hispanic groups, the Black groups, the Caucasian groups, the Asian groups. Ah well. Hopefully it'll get better as we start classes.

I also really really learned how I'm a terrible people person. Very very introverted. I always considered myself that way, but hearing it come from someone else really hit home. Honestly, I had a terrible time on the boat cruise. I couldn't bring myself to go out and dance with the sweaty sea of people on the tiny dance floor, and I thought too much about how to have a conversation with people I kind of knew. I think I'm okay with meeting new people if it's one or two new people in a larger group of friends I'm with, but reverse it and I'm dead. I hope med school will be okay...

Along the lines of being an introvert, how is it that Joe, who is a complete extrovert, and I get along so well? I asked him and it seems it's just inexplicable.

I'm driving down Taylor street, parking in a lot past my classes and then walking about 3 blocks to class. Am I lazy? Probably yes. There are so many of my classmates living even farther away and taking public transportation...

Well. M1 starts tomorrow. Biochemistry and Physiology!


Alan Yu said...

this may seriously be the worst blog ever....not due to content..but do to lack thereof.

Alan Yu said...
