Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Big T

It's weird. Trust. Isn't it? 

They say it has to be earned. What is it that determines whether someone has earned it?

They say once it is easily lost and incredibly hard to earn back. I agree with that. I've trusted before, had it broken and then even after what I believe was a long and concentrated effort, I realized that it just wasn't there anymore. And it changed the way things were. And ended them as well.

I haven't found an easier way to see who to give it to than giving then seeing what happens and learning from that. Trial and error I suppose. 

Run run run. My friend would tell me about how there is this feeling of having nothing left but running. To physically try to escape something that cannot be fixed. I never really understood what it could be. How could things be that bad where escape and running is all you have left? 

I had thought that I could do without it for a while. And I really thought I was doing fine. In the end, it still seems to be the easiest if not the most practical of things to do. 

But I think I do now. It will be nice to run. Run and start new.

I talked to a friend about an outlet for frustrations. Something like tennis. Maybe running? I have yet to try those. Although I feel like tennis seems like a good remedy. 

Regardless of who tells me what and how I should feel or do, and what to care about and what not to. Regardless of what I know would be better or right, it still doesn't change what is. 


That's all I end up feeling like.  

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